Does this sound familiar?

You sit down to read a passage from Scripture or spend time in prayer, but a buzz from your phone pulls your attention away. Later, as you try to refocus, your mind wanders to work and a task list waiting on your computer. Screens constantly disrupt your time with loved ones, leaving you feeling disconnected and spiritually drained. Another day ends, and once again, your most meaningful spiritual values and goals remain unfulfilled.

What would be possible if you could reclaim your focus and deepen your spiritual life?

What transformations could occur if you could resist distractions and fully engage with God’s calling?

What if you could live free from the constant pull of digital distractions?

In Focused Faith, seasoned tech expert and California Baptist University professor Dr. Brian S. Bovee uncovers the powerful forces of the attention economy that are designed to keep us distracted and disengaged. Drawing from years of research and work experience in the software world, Dr. Bovee explores how our digital habits are not just interrupting our daily tasks but also undermining our spiritual lives.

Don’t let another day slip away. Detox your digital life, reclaim your hijacked attention, and build habits for focus and joy!

Join the Advanced Readers Club for The Focused Faith

Get your FREE copy of The Focused Faith!

Greetings friend,

In preparing for the book launch, I am building a select group of individuals to be a part of something truly special—my Advanced Readers Club. As a member, you will be one of the very first to dive into the full manuscript of The Focused Faith before its official release in January. Not only will you get early access, but you'll play a critical role in shaping the book’s success through your honest and thoughtful review.

Launching a book is about more than just writing it—it's about connecting with readers and spreading the message far and wide. That’s why your review is so important. Reviews on Amazon are the key to helping new readers discover The Focused Faith and gain confidence in its message.

What’s in it for You?

By joining the Advanced Readers Club, you will...

1) Receive a FREE copy of The Focused Faith before anyone else,

2) Have your name featured in the acknowledgments section of the digital version, as a thank you for your support,

3) Play an exclusive role in launching this book to the world and helping more people find focus in their faith.

How It Works:

1) Sign up below by checking the boxes for the newsletter (highly encouraged) and the Advanced Readers Club.

2) Watch for an email from me ( with your download instructions.

3) I will prompt you to leave an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads.

I can’t wait to share The Focused Faith with you and see how it impacts your life! Help me spread the message of reclaiming our spiritual focus in our digital world!

Why You Can't Focus

Learn how the attention economy and digital distractions interfere with essential spiritual practices like prayer, solitude, and reading Scripture.

Learn the Antidote to Distraction

Learn a powerful antidote to distraction, and how to create a balanced life where technology serves your spiritual goals rather than sabotaging them.

Reclaim Joy

Learn how to align your life with God's will and find deeper meaning in every moment.


Hi, I'm Brian!

I’ve been working in the tech world for over two decades, focusing on how digital tools engage and influence users. I’m currently a full-time professor at California Baptist University, where I get to combine my love for teaching with cutting-edge research. I’ve got a master’s and a doctorate in information systems, which basically means I spend a lot of time thinking about how technology shapes our lives (and then finding ways to make it better!).

I’ve been married since 1995, and my wife and I live in beautiful Southern California. When I’m not teaching, writing, or diving into research, you’ll probably find me outdoors doing something active. Whether it’s hiking, running, or just spending time with family, I love staying connected to nature and recharging in the fresh air.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’m excited to connect with you!
